Health and Wellness Coaching.
Return to vibrant energy with Coach Chris.
A Supportive Path Through Burn-Out.
Community coaching, built on the values of deep listening and unwavering support.
At we are insanely passionate about seeing people thrive. So we built a platform that brings Professional Health and Fitness Coaching to the people that really need it – those who are feeling utterly worn out!
Our mission is to offer a place where you can feel listened to, ask your questions about health, and be connected to the resources and ‘Pro tips’ that can help bring about vitality.
Want to know more? Then please, read on…
Discover. Ask. Share.
Your burn-out is unique. So let's learn about it.

Every individual person’s reason for burn-out is unique (and usually quite complex). But ultimately it will be characterised by one simple formula: Not enough energy coming in to match the energy that’s going out.
For most people, just one minor tweak in one area of energy balance – Recovery, Nutrition or Purpose; Pressure, Exercise or Repair – can be the key to unlocking health and vitality.
We’d like to help you find that “tweak”, so we’ve built a coaching resource to help you do just that.
Our goal is to provide a freely accessible resource to help you gain insights into your energy balance, and teach you simple practices that can make a big impact on your wellbeing.
But there’s more to this than a free resource. You can also…
Ask Questions.
Find greater clarity and feel supported.
Our resources will help you explore your burn-out at a deeper level than you may have gone to before. But it’s likely that you’ll still have a few questions to answer.
So we encourage you to ask those questions in the Community Coaching Q&A. You’ll get professional guidance from a coach to help answer it, allowing you to move forwards on your health journey with confidence.
And your questions do more than just help you. Your questions can heal a community too.
It always amazes us how a person can read an answer to someone else’s question and have their own epiphany. One person’s question, and the answer it receives, can literally offer the insight to heal another.
The guidance you receive will hopefully help you along your path, and your question may very well help another member make progress too.
That’s why we’re so excited to build this community and donate our time to coaching within it.
And the final coaching step? Well, it’s for you to…
You've been there. You've got the metaphorical "Burnt-Out" T-shirt. So YOU have wisdom to share here too.
As health coaches, our unique gift to the community is our understanding of burn-out and wellness physiology.
But you have unique gifts to offer this community too, through the wisdom and insights you’ve gained on your life’s journey.
So we encourage you to see yourself as a valued member of this community and to share your story, your thoughts and your insights here too.
If nothing else, it’s a great way to get your thoughts out of your head and into the world where they can be heard.
You can do this by sharing your own story of burn-out, offer insights into what has worked well for you in the past and, most of all, write an empathic comment in response to other stories that you resonate with.
With your help we can all grow, learn and heal together.
Inside this community we’ve build a set of resources that aim to support you in your journey out of burn-out and back to health.
With your feedback we aim to continue to develop the resources on offer but, for now, here’s what we have:
#1: An Educational Resource.
We’ve created a course to help people find better Energy Balance, teaching simple solutions for nutrition, exercise, stress management and more.
You can go thorough it at your own pace, do the self assessments – which will highlight where to start building your energy back – and play with what you learn to improve your wellbeing.
#2: Guided Exercises & Resources.
For each of our six aspects of health we’ve created some additional resources to help open your mind up to many of the possibilities for restoring energy. We aim to continually add to these resources, helping build up your energy reserves one layer at a time.
#3: Our Community Q&A Forum.
We’re donating our time to coaching our members directly, by answering the questions that come up for you when learning to balance your energy. This is done through our Q&A Forum. We’re using the forum format so that everyone in the community can learn from each other’s questions and the answers they receive.
The Forum is coached by a growing team of real life professional health and fitness coaches (not some A.I. bot), so you can be assured your questions will be answered sensitively with compassion, care and attention.
#4: A Place To Share.
If you’re anything like us, you may have been finding it hard to talk about your challenges in an environment where you can feel heard.
We want to change that for you.
Inside the community we encourage you to share your story, your challenges and your successes. Doing so allows us all to show our support, and for you to feel less isolated. Sharing your story may help you begin to connect with and learn from others through shared experiences.
The choice to share is completely yours. There’s no pressure to do so. And your privacy will always remain intact.
#5: Big Ideas…
We have big plans for this community! We’re aiming to grow our coaching staff from a wide selection of professional backgrounds, from Nutritionists and Physiotherapists, to Counsellors and Family Doctors (GPs). All bringing their unique talents to the community.
(So if you have any professional wellness skills yourself then please, do get in touch.)
We’d also like to develop ‘Mentors’ from inside this community, so that we can deepen relationships and support from within – Drawing from those who truly know what feeling Burnt-Out really means.
Finally, we aim to continually grow our resources. Taking what we learn from YOU and creating resources to meet your needs.
This is an important question. And you’re right to ask it. So let me explain how this works… is a social initiative, created by Chris Newton, who has been coaching health, fitness and pain management for almost 20 years.
Chris has built this resource on the age old idea of reciprocity. So, yes, we are absolutely, 100%, giving this service away for free, but in the spirit of reciprocity we do hope that you’ll support us too.
There are three ways in which you can support our work.
Firstly, you can opt for Private 1-2-1 or Small Group Coaching.
There is only so much we can offer when coaching within a community setting. To help people more deeply we need to spend time with them and learn about their unique challenges, so we can personalise the guidance. So we offer the option to book private sessions outside of the community setting.
Secondly, you can sponsor our work.
We make ourselves sustainable due to the kind generosity of our ‘Member Sponsors’. These kind people, who share our ethos of reciprocity, appreciate our efforts to support them and choose to sponsor us in return.
There is no obligation whatsoever to become a sponsor, or book private coaching. But if you do choose either (or both) options, then you will be supporting our work, enabling us to continue building, refining and growing what we offer.
Finally, you can support our work by actively participating in the community.
We would love for you to share your journey and your wisdom in the community, or simply acknowledge others as they share theirs.
As an active member who shares our ethos, there is also a chance to be invited deeper into our family by becoming a Community Mentor and potentially even training to be a Coach yourself.
As we’ve said above, there is no obligation to do any of these. You can simply enjoy the resources, ask your questions and focus on you. We very much appreciate how important that is too.
Yes, absolutely!
First of all, Recovery (like sleep and downtime), Nutrition and having a sense of Purpose all give us energy. Whilst life’s daily Pressures, Exercise and challenges of physical and mental Adversity all spend that energy.
We’ll go deeper into each of these inside, but for now, you can think of Burn-Out as falling into the two camps illustrated below: the Recovery, Nutrition and Exercise camp. Or the Pressure, Purpose and Adversity camp.
We call the first of these two camps the ‘Health Triad’ and the second the ‘Existential Triad’.
Let me explain…
In theory – if everything else in life was perfect – all we would need to do is balance Nutrition and Exercise with adequate Rest and Recovery and we’d all have health and vitality for life.
This is the ‘Health Triad’ and it alone meets all our energy needs – in theory!
There are many people who just need a little tweak here and there in this area of their health and energy will quickly return. So our Coaching Resources aim to give you those tweaks.
BUT – and it’s an intentionally big but – life has a habit of getting in the way of ‘Perfect’… doesn’t it!
We call this life part, the ‘Existential Triad’.
The Pressure we’re under often thwarts our efforts to exercise, eat well or give ourselves a moment’s break.
Adversity created by Injuries, trauma or challenges – physical, mental, financial, social, environmental, spiritual etc – often need resolution before you can focus on the Health Triad. It’s hard to get sleep, for example, when pain or concerns are keeping you awake.
And Purpose? Well, lacking purpose can really suck dry your motivation for anything. But when you have Purpose, it’s like opening the tap to energy you never knew was there.
Our goal here is to help open up the conversation to the fact that vibrant energy is not easy. It’s certainly NOT about “Eating less, Exercising more and Working harder” – I assume you’ve already realised that this is the path to Burn-Out.
Health is all about finding balance in this crazy world. A balance that fits into the context of YOUR life.
Our coaching aims to help you find that balance.
Whilst it is very common to gravitate towards a more optimal weight and become fitter when you balance your energy the way we teach, neither physique or athletic performance are the focus of our work here.
We are, however, very interested in helping you learn which diet and exercise practices really work to give you more energy and, possibly more importantly, meet your uniquely personal values.
Our focus, as always, is on your overall vitality. Learning your values around these two aspects of health, and helping you find ways to meet those values in the best possible way, is always our goal.